2024 - Having been a proud holder of the EQM for over 10 years, I have been sent this lovely award, to celebrate 20 years of the PDEQM. An amazing team of people doing such wonderful work and providing incredible support and information.
I have been a holder of the the Environmental Quality Mark, since 2011. The EQM award recognises commitment to looking after the environment and celebrating the things that are special about the Peak District and Staffordshire. Working to maintain the high environmental and social standards required to retain this award each year helps me to review my practices and keep looking into new ways Caltonberry and I, can improve. Caltonberry is not perfect and there are many things we can do to improve and constantly learning new ways and ideas on how to do so.
Staffordshire Business & Environment Network ( SBEN ) on Carbon Literacy Training.
A 2 day online event building knowledge and clarifying with and amazing team of trainers, making me rethink the way I live my live and run my business.
2014 - Country Living Glasgow
Our first time at a Country Living Event and first big show, amazingly proud and grateful to have been given this opportunity and award.